All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractChangeObserver |
AbstractClientlibRenderer |
Contains the default implementation for link rendering.
AbstractClientlibServlet |
Contains common functionality for the clientlib servlets.
AbstractClientlibVisitor |
Base class for visitors to aid processing of all parts of a client library.
AbstractConsoleServlet |
A base class for a general hook (servlet) for a console view.
AbstractJobExecutor<Result> |
AbstractNode |
AbstractServiceServlet |
A basic class for all '/bin/{service}/path/to/resource' servlets.
AbstractServletBean |
the abstract model base class for Composum Console components addressed by a forward from
a console servlet with the models resource path in the requests suffix
AbstractSlingBean |
The abstract base class for 'Beans' to implement a Model based on e JCR resource without a mapping framework.
AbstractSlingBean.NodeClosure |
AbstractTagTEI |
AIService |
AI related services.
AIService.AIServiceException |
Something went wrong.
AIService.AIServiceNotAvailableException |
AIService.ResponseFormat |
AIServiceImpl |
AIServiceImpl.Configuration |
AnchorTag |
a tag to build a page anchor link
AuthorizableAcls |
AuthorizableAcls.AcType |
AuthorizableModel |
Authorizables |
Authorizables.Context |
Authorizables.Filter |
Authorizables.Filter.Path |
AuthorizablesGraph |
AuthorizablesImpl |
AuthorizablesMap |
AuthorizablesPaths |
AuthorizablesRefs |
AuthorizablesTree |
AuthorizablesView |
AuthorizablesView.NodeUrlBuilder |
AuthorizablesView.PathUrlBuilder |
AuthorizableWrapper |
Authorizable wrapper, Authorizable interface is not a ConsumerType and so should not be implemented.
BeanContext |
The interface for the different scripting contexts (JSP, Groovy, ...) and the basic implementations for this
BeanContext.AbstractContext |
the base class of the context interface with general methods
BeanContext.AbstractScriptContext |
the enhancement of the base for scripting contexts
BeanContext.Map |
a Map based implementation of the context interface (e.g.
BeanContext.Page |
a JSP PageContext based implementation of the context interface
BeanContext.Scope |
the Scope enumeration according to the JSPs PageContext
BeanContext.Service |
a Service based implementation for a background service or a job execution
BeanContext.Servlet |
a servlet API based implementation of the context interface for Beans in a Servlet context
BeanContext.Wrapper |
a wrapper implementation base
BeanFactory |
an annotation to mark a model class which instances are built by a factory service
this supports model instantiation from inner classes of a service (e.g.
Browser |
Browser.Reference |
BrowserServlet |
The general hook (servlet) for the Browser feature provides the path '/bin/browser.html/...'.
BrowserViews |
BundleTag |
CAConfigModel |
Clientlib |
Models a client library, containing one or several ClientlibResourceFolders.
Clientlib.Type |
ClientlibCategory |
Models a category of client libraries.
ClientlibCategoryServlet |
Serves the clientlibs of a whole category with all embedded stuff.
ClientlibConfiguration |
ClientlibConfiguration.Config |
ClientlibConfigurationService |
ClientlibDebugConsolePlugin |
Prints a rough overview over the structure of the client library, incl.
ClientlibElement |
Interface common to all elements contained in client libraries.
ClientlibExternalUri |
Models a reference to external URLs - as links, js or css.
ClientlibFile |
Models a file that is referenced by a client library.
ClientlibLink |
Represents data for linking to an actually referred file / client library / category of client libraries.
ClientlibLink.Kind |
ClientlibPermissionPlugin |
Plugin for the clientlib service that can limit extendability.
ClientlibProcessor |
Modifies the content of resources embedded in a client library.
ClientlibRef |
Models a reference of a client-library to another client library, a category of client libraries, or a specific file.
ClientlibRenderer |
ClientlibResourceFolder |
Models a resource folder for a Clientlib - this can be the folder js/css directly below it, or a lower level
ClientlibService |
Various internal functionality about client libraries.
ClientlibService.ClientlibInfo |
ClientlibServlet |
ClientlibTag |
A tag build references to styles and script files.
ClientlibVisitor |
ClientlibVisitor.VisitorMode |
CodeEditor |
CodeEditorServlet |
The general hook (servlet) for the Editor feature to edit code in a separate view.
CollectingMap<Key,Value> |
a 'Map' which generates its values dynamically to offer a dynamic value set for the scripts
CollectingMap.Factory<Key,Value> |
ComponentsService |
ComponentsServlet |
ComponentsServlet.Extension |
ComponentsServlet.Operation |
ComponentTag |
a tag to instantiate a bean or model object
ComponentTagTEI |
Condition |
Condition.And |
Condition.CanHaveAcl |
checks the ability to manage ACLs at the resource
Condition.ClassAvailability |
check the availability of a class as a precondition for a console module
Condition.Factory |
Condition.HttpStatus |
check the availability of an HTTP service
Condition.JcrResource |
checks that the resource is a JCR resource
Condition.MergedResource |
checks that the resources primary type matches the pattern
Condition.NodesRestrictions |
check the permissions of a given service key (feature)
Condition.Options |
Condition.Or |
Condition.PrimaryType |
checks that the resources primary type matches the pattern
Condition.ResourcePermission |
check the avaiability of a resource (readable)
Condition.ResourceType |
checks that the resources primary type matches the pattern
Condition.RunmodePermission |
check the avaiability of a servlet registered fo a given resource type
Condition.ServletPermission |
check the avaiability of a servlet registered for a given resource type
Condition.Set |
Condition.Versionable |
checks the ability to manage versions at the resource
ConfigItem |
ConfigSet<Item extends ConfigItem> |
ConfigurationSet |
ConsoleModel |
ConsolePage |
Consoles |
ConsoleServletBean |
ConsoleSlingBean |
ConsolesModel |
ConsoleUtil |
CoreAdapterFactory |
CoreConfigImpl |
The configuration service for all servlets in the core bundle.
CoreConfigImpl.Configuration |
The configuration object for CoreConfigImpl.
CoreConfiguration |
The configuration service for all servlets in the core bundle.
CoreConstants |
Some Composum core-wide constants - mostly node types, property names etc.
CorePermissionsService |
CorePermissionsServlet |
The service servlet to retrieve and/or check permissions of a path.
CoreRepositorySetupService |
CoreRepositorySetupService.Tracker |
CoreTranslationService |
CpnlBodyTagSupport |
CpnlElFunctions |
the set of taglib JSP EL functions
CpnlElFunctions.RichTextTagsFilter |
CpnlTagSupport |
CssProcessor |
CssUrlMapper |
A simple processor to map URLs embedded in CSS files.
DebugClientlibGraphServlet |
DefaultClientlibService |
DefaultGzipProcessor |
DefaultJavascriptProcessor |
Since there is currently (as of mid-2017) no Java javascript minifier library that works sufficiently well, this does nothing
and relies on minified siblings for each javascript, generated e.g.
DefaultLinkRenderer |
DefineObjectsTag |
DefineObjectsTagTEI |
DenyPostServiceImpl |
A SlingPostProcessor whose purpose is to block the processing of POST requests by the default
SlingPostServlet for a configurable set of paths.
DenyPostServiceImpl.Configuration |
DivTag |
a tag to render a 'div' HTML tag with support for a 'test' condition
DomIdentifiers |
a request attribute implementation to create ids for the DOM elements during component rendering
DropMapServlet |
DynamicMap |
a 'Map' which generates its values dynamically to offer a dynamic value set for the scripts
DynamicMap.Source |
ExportCfg |
ExportQueryJson |
a servlet to export the results of a query execution as a JSON object with emebedded object for each
found resource - the resource type of this servlet is used in the 'export set' configuration; see:
ExportSet |
ExpressionUtil |
Utility to evaluate expressions e.g.
ExtendedResolver |
FileHandle |
FilterConfiguration |
the interface for the elements of the general OSGi resource filter configuration set
FilterConfigurationImpl |
the implementation for the elements of the general OSGi resource filter configuration set
FilterConfigurationImpl.Configuration |
FolderItem |
FormatterFormat |
a simple mapper to use a string formatter as value format
FormTag |
a tag to build form elements with mapped action URLs
GenericProxyConfig |
a generic proxy request service configuration object
GenericProxyReader |
a filter reader implementation to filter out HTML tags from the base reader
GenericProxyRequest |
a configurable proxy request service factory usable directly and also as a base for special proxy implementations
GenericProxyService |
the proxy request service interface
GenericProxyServlet |
the generic proxy servlet delegates proxy requests to the collected generic proxy service implementations
GenericView |
GraphServlet |
a servlet to render authorizable graphs built from scratch to support extraction for external resuse
GroovyJobExecutor |
GroovyJobExecutor.Configuration |
GroovyRunner |
Created by rw on 06.10.15.
Group |
Created by mzeibig on 17.11.15.
GroupBean |
Model for a group of packages - packages below a path.
GroupFacade |
represents an authorizable as a group; used to construct a service user as a member of the assigned system users
GroupModel |
GroupNode |
GroupWrapper |
Group wrapper, Authorizable interface is not a ConsumerType and so should not be implemented.
GzipProcessor |
HttpUtil |
A basic class for all '/bin/{service}/path/to/resource' servlets.
HttpUtil.CachableInstance |
HttpUtil.InstanceFactory<Type extends HttpUtil.CachableInstance> |
I18N |
the static access for general I18N translation
ImageHandle |
ImageTag |
a tag to build image elements with mapped source URLs
InheritedValues |
The value map which extends the property retrieval to the context (parents,...) of a resource.
InheritedValues.HierarchyScanResult |
InheritedValues.Type |
the various types of inheritance
Each node at the same position relative to the 'jcr:content' nodes is checked for an inherited value.
JavascriptProcessor |
JcrPackageItem |
JcrResource |
In a JCR context each resource should have a primary type and the resource should return this type.
JobControlServlet |
JobControlServlet.Extension |
JobControlServlet.Operation |
JobFacade |
this facade encapsulates the Job objects to prevent from the use of deprecated features
which are removed in the next major release (4.0.0) of the job events framework
JobFacade.AbstractJobFacade |
JobFacade.AuditJob |
JobFacade.EventJob |
JobFailureException |
Can be used by a JobExecutor to indicate an error during execution of the job.
JobMonitor |
Created by rw on 20.04.16.
JobMonitor.IsDone |
JobMonitor.IsStarted |
JobUtil |
Created by rw on 20.04.16.
JobUtil.JobComparator |
JsonUtil |
The utility class to transform JCR object and Sling resources into JSON and update such objects using JSON data.
JsonUtil.ElementCallback<T> |
JsonUtil.JsonProperty |
the structure for parsing property values from JSON using Gson
LazyCreationService |
Service that encapsulates a 'get or create' pattern for resources (incl.
LazyCreationService.CreationStrategy |
Strategy to create the resource itself.
LazyCreationService.InitializationStrategy |
LazyCreationService.ParentCreationStrategy |
Strategy to create the parents of the retrieved resource.
LazyCreationService.RetrievalStrategy<T> |
Strategy to retrieve the resources content.
LazyCreationServiceImpl |
LazyCreationServiceImpl.Configuration |
LinkCodec |
LinkMapper |
LinkMapper.ContextMapper |
LinkMapper.ResolverMapper |
LinkRenderer |
Interface for renderers of various link types.
LinkTag |
a tag to build hypertext links with mapped URLs
LinkUtil |
LinkUtil.RedirectLoopException |
LoggerFormat |
a simple mapper to use a logging formatter as value format
MappingRules |
the set of rules for filtering during the resource hierarchy traversal
- uses a DateParser instance which is not thread safe
- instances of MappingRules are also not thread safe
- use one single instance per thread!
TODO: make it configurable via OSGi
MappingRules.ChangeRule |
the change policy values
- skip: for packages - skip one aspect (e.g.
MappingRules.ContentNodeType |
MappingRules.DateParser |
MappingRules.PropertyFormat |
the settings set for property transformation
MappingRules.PropertyFormat.Binary |
the binary transformation rules
- skip: don't export or import binary properties
- link: build an URL to download the binary content (export only, ignored during import)
- base64: embed binary content as base64 encoded string (export) and decode this during import
MappingRules.PropertyFormat.Scope |
the scope for the external property representation
- value: use a short name / value - attribute format with type embedded
MergedModel |
MergeMountpointService |
MergeMountpointServiceImpl |
Message |
A container for a message, e.g.
Message.Level |
Kind of message, also used as loglevel when this is logged.
MessageContainer |
A collection of Message s for humans - also meant for transmitting them via JSON.
MessageTypeAdapterFactory |
MessageTypeAdapterFactory.MessageContainerTypeAdapter |
MimeTypeUtil |
some helpers for content mime types and resource file names
NodeFactory |
the strategy and their implementations to create new nodes in various types during the
'create' operation of the 'node' servlet
NodeFactory.DefaultStrategy |
NodeFactory.NtFileStrategy |
NodeFactory.NtLinkedFileStrategy |
NodeFactory.NtResourceStrategy |
NodeFactory.OakIndexStrategy |
NodeFactory.TypeStrategy |
NodesComponentsService |
NodesConfigImpl |
The configuration service for all servlets in the core bundle.
NodesConfigImpl.Configuration |
NodesConfiguration |
The configuration service for all servlets in the core bundle.
NodeServlet |
The JCR nodes service servlet to walk though and modify the entire hierarchy.
NodeServlet.Disposition |
NodeServlet.Extension |
NodeServlet.Operation |
NodesServletRegistry |
NodesSetupService |
Ensures orderly removal of obsolete (e.g.
NodeTreeServlet |
NodeTreeServlet.DefaultTreeNodeStrategy |
NodeTreeServlet.LabelType |
the possible tree name options
NodeTreeServlet.NodeParameters |
the structure for parsing property values from JSON using Gson
NodeTreeServlet.TreeNodeStrategy |
NodeTypeFilters |
NodeTypeFilters.NodeTypeFilter |
NodeTypeFilters.OrderableTypeFilter |
NodetypesPlugin |
Displays the stacktraces of active or all threads.
NodeTypesServlet |
A servlet that exports the nodetypes in the format used in nodetypes.cnd.
NodeUtil |
ObjectMapping |
Created by rw on 19.05.15.
ObjectMapping.MappingStrategy<T> |
ObjectMapping.ObjectFilter |
accepts all resources which can be mapped to object by this mapper
ObjectMapping.ResourceFilterStrategy |
ObjectMapping.StringFilterStrategy |
OsgiBundleModel |
OsgiBundleModel.State |
OsgiBundlesModel |
OsgiBundlesServlet |
OsgiServiceModel |
PackageBean |
PackageBean |
PackageJobExecutor |
PackageJobExecutor.Configuration |
PackageManagerBean |
PackageNode |
PackageProgressTracker |
Helper methods for Package handling (VLT Package Manager)
PackageProgressTracker.HtmlStreamTracking |
PackageProgressTracker.HtmlTracking |
PackageProgressTracker.Item |
PackageProgressTracker.JsonStreamTracking |
PackageProgressTracker.JsonTracking |
PackageProgressTracker.LogOnlyTracking |
PackageProgressTracker.TextWriterTracking |
PackageRegistries |
Lookup service for all package registries - normally a registry with jcr namespace and, if configured, a registry with fs namespace.
PackageRegistries.Registries |
Collects the available registries bound to a resolver.
PackageRegistriesImpl |
Packages |
Packages.Mode |
PackageServiceImpl |
PackageServlet |
The servlet to provide download and upload of content packages and package definitions.
PackageServlet.Configuration |
PackageServlet.Extension |
PackageServlet.Operation |
PackagesServlet |
The general hook (servlet) for the Package Manager feature provides the path '/bin/packages.html/...'.
PackageUtil |
Helper methods for Package handling (VLT Package Manager)
PackageUtil.DefinitionSetter<T> |
PackageUtil.DefinitionSetter.BooleanSetter |
PackageUtil.DefinitionSetter.MultiStringSetter |
PackageUtil.DefinitionSetter.StringSetter |
PackageUtil.ViewType |
PackageView |
ParameterValidationException |
the exception to handle bad parameter values thrown by servlet operations
PathReferencesService |
the service for finding and changing resource references
PathReferencesService.Hit |
a found resource which is referencing the searched path
PathReferencesService.Hit.Property |
a property wich is referencing the searched path
PathReferencesService.Hit.Property.Value |
a value which contains references of the searched path
PathReferencesService.HitIterator |
PathReferencesService.Options |
an options set to specify the parameters of the query to search path references;
build the options for the reference search like this:
PathReferencesServiceImpl |
PathReferencesServiceImpl.HitIteratorImpl |
PermissionsService |
Permission and Member check service
PostServletRestrictionsFilter |
Service restrictions support for POST requests to restrict Sling POST Servlet requests.
ProcessingVisitor |
Appends all embedded files to an input stream.
ProcessingVisitor.ExcludeDependenciesVisitor |
If some files are included in / requested by dependencies of the rendered client library, these must not be
included into the cached file, since these would be loaded twice by the page.
ProcessorContext |
The context in which processing of a Clientlib takes place.
ProcessorPipeline |
PropertyServlet |
The service servlet handling one single JCR property for one resource.
PropertyServlet.BulkParameters |
PropertyServlet.Extension |
PropertyServlet.Operation |
PropertyUtil |
Created by rw on 26.02.15.
PropertyValueFormatException |
the exception to handle bad property values values thrown by servlet operations
RateLimiter |
This class is used to limit the rate of requests to the chat service.
ReferencesModel |
RegistriesBean |
RegistryBean |
RegistryItem |
RegistryNode |
RegistryTree |
RegistryUtil |
RegistryUtil.PropertyMap |
RemoteClientBuilder |
a service interface for extending the building of the remote HTTP client
RemoteClientSetup |
RemoteClientSetupImpl |
RemoteProvider |
A remote resource provider enables the mounting of a remote Sling system via HTTP based on
the JSON data rendered by default Sling GET servlet.
RemoteProvider.Config |
RemoteProxyBuilder |
RemoteProxyBuilder.Config |
RemoteReader |
reads the resource data using default Sling GET servlet JSON requests
RemoteRequestFilter |
RemoteResolver |
the resolver of the remote Sling instance resources mounted by the resource provider;
supports extended CRUD operations for resource ordering and file uploads (updates)
RemoteResource |
RemoteResource.NonExisting |
RemoteWriter |
RemoteWriter.ChangeSet |
RemoteWriter.Parameters |
for simplified request parameter setup
RemoteWriter.ResourceChange |
RemoteWriter.ResourceCopy |
RemoteWriter.ResourceCreate |
RemoteWriter.ResourceDelete |
RemoteWriter.ResourceModify |
RemoteWriter.ResourceMove |
RemoteWriter.ResourceUpload |
RendererContext |
The context implementation for the clientlib link rendering, request scoped.
RenderingVisitor |
Visitor that realizes the rendering process for a client library.
RepositorySetupService |
Security configuration management service
RequestBundle |
RequestBundle.BundleWrapper |
RequestHandle |
Wrapper that extends the functionality of SlingHttpServletRequest .
RequestUtil |
A basic class for all '/bin/{service}/path/to/resource' servlets.
ResourceFilter |
A ResourceFilter is useful to describe a general way to define scopes in resource hierarchy.
ResourceFilter.AbstractResourceFilter |
Base class for all ResourceFilters, extend this instead of implementing ResourceFilter to make it easier to extend the interface.
ResourceFilter.AllFilter |
the 'all enabled' implementation: filters nothing, each value is appropriate (except null values).
ResourceFilter.ContentNodeFilter |
A filter which checks that the "jcr:content"s of resources
satisfy given properties.
ResourceFilter.FilterSet |
An implementation to combine ResourceFilters to complex rules.
ResourceFilter.FilterSet.Rule |
ResourceFilter.FolderFilter |
the 'folder filter' implementation for general tree traversal
ResourceFilter.MimeTypeFilter |
A ResourceFilter implementation which checks the 'jcr:mimeType'
of a resource or of its 'jcr:content' child.
ResourceFilter.NameFilter |
A ResourceFilter implementation which checks the resources name
of a resource using a StringFilter for the name value.
ResourceFilter.NodeTypeFilter |
A ResourceFilter implementation which checks for JCR node types similar to Node.isNodeType(String) -
both primary type and all direct and inherited mixin types are checked against the filters.
ResourceFilter.PathFilter |
A ResourceFilter implementation which checks the resource path
of a resource using a StringFilter for the path value.
ResourceFilter.PatternFilter |
the abstract base for all filters which are using string patterns (StringFilters)
ResourceFilter.PrimaryTypeFilter |
A ResourceFilter implementation which checks the 'jcr:primaryType'
of a resource using a StringFilter for the type values.
ResourceFilter.PropertyFilter |
A ResourceFilter implementation which checks a property
of a resource using a StringFilter for the property value.
ResourceFilter.ResourceTypeFilter |
A ResourceFilter implementation which checks the 'sling:resourceType'
of a resource or its content node using a StringFilter for the type values.
ResourceFilter.TypeFilter |
a general type checking filter
ResourceFilterMapping |
Build resource filters from String representation / saved in Resources, and vice versa.
ResourceFilterMapping.FilterSetStrategy |
ResourceFilterMapping.GeneralStrategy |
ResourceFilterMapping.MappingStrategy |
ResourceFilterMapping.PatternFilterStrategy |
ResourceFilterMapping.PredefinedFilterStrategy |
ResourceFilterMapping.PropertyFilterStrategy |
ResourceFilterTypeAdapter |
The TypeAdapter implementation to write and read StringFilters instances to and from JSON text.
ResourceFilterTypeAdapter.FilterSetAdapter |
ResourceFilterTypeAdapter.GeneralAdapter |
ResourceFilterTypeAdapter.PatternFilterAdapter |
ResourceFilterTypeAdapter.PredefinedFilterAdapter |
ResourceFilterTypeAdapter.PropertyFilterAdapter |
ResourceFilterTypeAdapter.TypeFilterAdapter |
ResourceHandle |
the wrapper to enhance the Sling Resource class
ResourceModel |
ResourceNodeIterator |
ResourceUtil |
A collection of loads of utilities dealing with Resource s.
ResponseUtil |
A basic class for all '/bin/{service}/path/to/resource' servlets.
Restricted |
an annotation to mark a model class as controlled by the restrictions service
RestrictedBean |
RestrictedService |
RestrictionsServlet |
RestrictionsView |
RuntimeFileServlet |
RuntimeFileServlet.LogfileFilter |
RuntimeFileServlet.LoggerSession |
RuntimeFileServlet.RuntimeFile |
Scene |
SceneConfigurations |
SceneServlet |
SceneServlet.Extension |
SceneServlet.Operation |
SecurityServlet |
The service servlet to retrieve all general system settings.
SecurityServlet.AccessPolicyEntry |
SecurityServlet.Extension |
SecurityServlet.Operation |
SecurityServlet.PolicyScope |
SemaphoreSequencer |
SemaphoreSequencer.Token |
SequencerService<T extends SequencerService.Token> |
A general service to sequence potentially concurrent modifications using a key (e.g.
SequencerService.Token |
SerializableValueMap |
ServiceHandle<T> |
a service handler to enable static access to service instances
ServiceRestrictions |
ServiceRestrictions.Key |
ServiceRestrictions.Permission |
ServiceRestrictions.Restriction |
ServiceRestrictionsImpl |
The service to restict the service operations and the Sling POST requests.
ServiceRestrictionsImpl.Config |
ServiceUser |
ServiceUserModel |
ServiceUserWrapper |
an Authorizable facade to represent a service user (bundle or subservice) as a member of an Authorizable set
ServletOperation |
ServletOperationSet<E extends Enum<?>,O extends Enum<?>> |
A set of operation for the implementation of one servlet based on different operations.
ServletOperationSet.Method |
ServletRegistry |
ServletRegistry.ServletData |
ServletResourceType |
maps a Sling resource type to an existing servlet service implementation (e.g.
ServletResourceType.Config |
SetPropertyStrategy |
the mapping interface and their implementations to change some protected 'properties'
like mixin types and the primary node type
SetPropertyStrategy.MixinTypes |
SetPropertyStrategy.PrimaryType |
SetPropertyStrategy.Property |
SettingsServlet |
SetupConfiguration |
SetupHook |
SetupServlet |
The service servlet to execute setup operations.
SetupServlet.Extension |
SetupServlet.Operation |
ShowServiceGraphConsolePlugin |
Plots a graph of service usages.
SlingBean |
The interface for 'Beans' to implement a Model based on e JCR resource without a mapping framework.
SlingBeanFactory |
a factory service interface to produce a bean (model)
SlingResourceUtil |
A set of utility functions related to the handling of Sling Resources, without going down to JCR specifics.
SlingUrl |
A Sling URL parser / builder class supporting the
Sling URL decomposition
(and composition / modification by using the builder methods) and provides builder methods to change e.g.
SlingUrl.UrlType |
Characterizes the type of the URL.
SourceModel |
Model that can produce XML source, ZIP files or Vault-packages for it's resource.
SourceModel.DepthMode |
SourceModel.IOErrorOnCloseException |
SourceModel.Property |
SourceModel.RenderingType |
How the node is rendered in a zip.
SourceServlet |
SourceUpdateService |
SourceUpdateServiceImpl |
SourceUpdateServiceImpl.ImportErrorListener |
SourceUpdateServlet |
Modifies JCR content according to a given XML or ZIP of XMLs while preserving / updating metadata like versioning
information and metadata.
Status |
The standardised answer object of a servlet request to fill the response output.
StringFilter |
A StringFilter is useful to describe a general way to define scopes in a set of objects by key values.
StringFilter.All |
the 'all enabled' implementation: filters nothing, each value is appropriate
StringFilter.BlackList |
The 'BlackList' is a pattern based filter which accepts all values NOT containing a substring matching to one of its patterns
(see Matcher.find() ).
StringFilter.FilterBase |
the abstract base for filters which are using regular expression patterns
StringFilter.FilterSet |
An implementation to combine StringFilters to complex rules.
StringFilter.FilterSet.Rule |
the combination rule options:
- and: each pattern in the set must accept a value
- or: only one pattern in the set must accept a value
- first: the first appropriate filter determines the result
- last: the last appropriate filter determines the result
StringFilter.Not |
the 'Not...' implementation to invert a filter
StringFilter.PatternList |
the abstract base for filters which are using regular expression patterns
StringFilter.WhiteList |
The 'WhiteList' is a pattern based filter which accepts all values that contain a substring matching one of its patterns
(see Matcher.find() ).
StringFilterMapping |
Created by rw on 19.05.15.
StringFilterMapping.AllFilterStrategy |
StringFilterMapping.FilterSetStrategy |
StringFilterMapping.GeneralStrategy |
StringFilterMapping.MappingStrategy |
StringFilterMapping.NotFilterStrategy |
StringFilterMapping.PatternFilterStrategy |
StringFilterTypeAdapter |
The TypeAdapter implementation to write and read StringFilters instances to and from JSON text.
StringFilterTypeAdapter.FilterSetAdapter |
StringFilterTypeAdapter.GeneralAdapter |
StringFilterTypeAdapter.PatternListAdapter |
StructuredValueMap |
A ValueMap which supports nested maps and resolves paths to properties of nested maps.
SyntheticQueryResult |
SystemServlet |
The service servlet to retrieve all general system settings.
SystemServlet.Extension |
SystemServlet.MixinTypesFilter |
the general filter for mixin types
SystemServlet.Operation |
SystemServlet.PrimaryTypesFilter |
the general filter for primary types is a inversion ot the mixin types filter
TableTag |
a tag to build form elements with mapped action URLs
TagBase |
an abstract base tag implementation to generate HTML tags with dynamic attributes and an optional condition
TagFilteringReader |
a filter reader implementation to filter out HTML tags from the base reader
TagFilteringWriter |
a filter reader implementation to filter out HTML tags from the base reader
Template |
TemplateSet |
TextTag |
TextTag.EscapeFunction |
TextTag.Type |
ThreaddumpConsolePlugin |
Displays the stacktraces of active or all threads.
TranslationService |
Translates all strings in a JSON.
TranslationServlet |
TranslationServlet.Extension |
TranslationServlet.Operation |
TreeItem |
TreeNode |
the tree node implementation for the requested path (folder or package)
TreeNode |
TreeNode.TreeItemComparator |
UpdateTimeVisitor |
Determines the hash of the embedded items of a clientlib or -category for recency checking of cached files.
UrlCodec |
Codecs for the various URL parts.
UrlTag |
an abstract base tag implementation to generate URL based elements
User |
Created by mzeibig on 16.11.15.
UserManagementService |
a simple service to provide a user and groups setup API
UserManagementServlet |
UserManagementServlet.Extension |
UserManagementServlet.Operation |
UserManagerServlet |
The general hook (servlet) for the User Manager feature provides the path '/bin/users.html/...'.
UserMgmtServiceImpl |
UserModel |
UserProfile |
the user profile bean derived from the AEM user profile approach
UserWrapper |
User wrapper, Authorizable interface is not a ConsumerType and so should not be implemented.
ValueEmbeddingReader |
replace all '${key}' elements in the stream by their values from the value map;
escape '$' and '\' with a prepended '\'
- a key '${resource:/a/path/to/resource} is replaced by the content of the resource loaded by the class loader
- if a value is a Reader the content of the reader is copied as value; caution a reader object can be read only once
- a key can contain a format string (${name;format}); in this case the embedded value is formatted (@see #java.util.Formatter)
ValueEmbeddingReader.Key |
ValueEmbeddingWriter |
a filter writer implementation to embed values from a value map for written placeholders
VersionBean |
VersionComparator |
Since as of version 3.6.6 Version.compareTo(Version) is incompatible with maven version ordering,
this implements maven semantics.
VersionComparator.PackageIdByGroupAndNameComparator |
Compares PackageId by group and name only, ignoring the version.
VersionComparator.PackageIdComparator |
VersionNode |
VersionServlet |
VersionServlet.AddLabel |
VersionServlet.CheckinOperation |
VersionServlet.CheckoutOperation |
VersionServlet.CheckpointOperation |
VersionServlet.CreateActivity |
VersionServlet.CreateConfiguration |
VersionServlet.DeleteLabel |
VersionServlet.DeleteVersion |
VersionServlet.Extension |
VersionServlet.GetLabels |
VersionServlet.GetVersions |
VersionServlet.Operation |
VersionServlet.RestoreVersion |
View |
the static access for the Sling XSSAPI / XSSFilter - wraps the Sling XSS services
YUICssProcessor |