Felix Console Proxy Configuration

There are many valuable light weight inspection views like the “Recent Requests” in the Felix console that are very helpful tools for development and operations, but are sometimes not easily available even in development and testing environments, if at all. Thus, the dashboard has a feature that allows selectively choosing some views and making them available through the dashboard. Please note that not all views are supported, and take care not to use any views that could impact your system. POST requests are not supported by default, but can be enabled for some views: e.g. the “Sling Resource Resolver” view needs POST requests for the form to work, though it doesn't modify anything.

In the example configuration packages there are currently 3 views:

  • Sling Recent Requests
  • Sling Resource Resolver (only the display, the form doesn't work because it needs a POST request)
  • Sling Servlet Resolver

Most “Status” views and many of the other views should work - please contact us if there are read only views that do not yet work but might be fixed.

Caution: please take care not to use views that could impact your system or change configurations!

For the configuration of such views there is the configuration factory Composum Dashboard Felix Console Proxy (PID com.composum.sling.dashboard.servlet.DashboardFelixConsoleProxyServlet). This is an example configuration that makes the “Recent Requests” views available:

  "sling.servlet.resourceTypes": [
  "name": "requests",
  "label": "Sling Recent Requests",
  "sling.servlet.paths": [
  "rank:Integer": 7100,
  "proxied.webconsole.label": "requests"
Property Key Description
name An ID for the widget.
proxied.webconsole.label The label of the servlet in the Felix Console that we are proxying for the dashboard - e.g. ‘requests’ for /system/console/requests
rank The rank is used for ordering widgets / views. Relevant only when the dashboard is configured using servlet paths.
label The human readable widget label.
proxied.webconsole.POST allow POST : In a few felix console tabs (notably jcrresolver) POST requests are needed for the functionality, even though they don't modify anything. Use at your own risk!
sling.servlet.resourceTypes The resource types implemented by this servlet. Relevant only when it is rendered using a content page.
sling.servlet.extensions The possible extensions supported by this servlet.
sling.servlet.paths The servlet paths if this configuration variant should be supported. Alternatively, the servlet can be rendered from a special content page using it's resource type(s).

You might want to integrate the views you need into the navigation of the dashboard.